Tuesday 26 April 2011

Tips for Buying a Cricket Bat

So… you’ve decided you want to buy a cricket bat?  If you haven’t bought one before, where do you start?  What are the best brands?  How much should you expect to pay?  If you do a quick search on the internet you will be bombarded with advertisements everywhere, trying to persuade you to buy a specific bat – this is not only unhelpful but it can also waste your money if you are drawn in by them.  Here at Sporty McGinn’s we are here to help so read on!

How to Choose a Cricket Bat

  1. The first thing you really should do is try to analyse what style of batter you are.  A cricket coach or teacher may be able to help you with this, as may a cricket fan who knows what they are talking about.  The type of batter you are will help you decide what type of bat is best for you as most cricket bats are designed for certain batting styles.
  2. The next step is to choose the correct size and weight of bat.  This will depend on your build and on the way you play cricket.  This varies from player to player but it is advisable to start off with a lighter weighted bat if you are a beginner.  You can always gradually upgrade the weight of your bat, as you become more experienced in the sport.
  3. Don’t choose a bat just because it is used by your favourite cricket batsman.  Just because it works for him, does not mean it will work for you.  You need to find a bat that feels good to the touch, recognise your particular batting style and select your bat accordingly.
Buying the Bat

You should now have a pretty good idea about a few specific bats that are suited to you and your game.  The next step is to log onto the internet and search for the specific models.  You need to be looking at the prices offered by a number of different stores and then the delivery costs.  Your time spent in a local sports shop should have given you an idea about which bat to choose so now is the time to find it online and buy it.  Remember that if you maintain your bat well, it will last for a long time, and will save you from needing to spend extra money in just a few months time.

Below are a few bats recommended by Sporty McGinn:

Image courtesy of the Daily Telegraph

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